MAGAZINES WITH Logored-yellow1-5cmhoch.jpg (11722 Byte) ON THE COVER


FlaggeUSA.gif (900 Byte) USA


magDiscoveries1992-03USA.jpg (9459 Byte) magazine: Discoveries
date of release: March 1992
size: oversized (27,5 x 37 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 8 (B/W)
original cover price: $ 2,50
value: $ 2 - 10 - 14
comment: Vol.5, No.3, photo is backwards
magUSRocker1992-05USA.jpg (7381 Byte) magazine: U.S. Rocker
date of release: May 1992
size: approx. A3
includes pages with Kiss: 1 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 14
comment: Vol.3, Issue #6, local free newspaper style magazine distributed in Cleveland and Pittsburgh
magMeanStreet1992-05USA.jpg (10145 Byte) magazine: Mean Street magazine
date of release: May 1992
size: oversized (29 x 34,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 14
comment: Vol.III, Issue XI, local Californian monthly newspaper style magazine
magGTMetal1992-05.jpg (9709 Byte) magazine: GT Metal
date of release: May 1992
size: oversized (29 x 36 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 14
comment: Issue No.2, local New Yorker monthly newspaper style magazine, A Good Times publication
magFoundations1992-05-04USA.jpg (8845 Byte) magazine: Foundations
date of release: May 4, 1992
size: oversized
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: free
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.5, Issue 9, bi-weekly New York magazine, probably an industry-magazine
magRadioactive1992-05-13USA.jpg (8417 Byte) magazine: Radioactive
date of release: May 13, 1992
size: oversized (26,5 x 33,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 3 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 12 - 17
comment: Vol.I, No.4, local free bi-weekly Californian newspaper style magazine
magEastCoastRocker1992-05-20USA.jpg (8572 Byte) magazine: East Coast Rocker
date of release: May 20, 1992
size: approx. A3
includes pages with Kiss: 3 big A3 pages (B/W)
original cover price: $ 1,50
value: $ 2 - 11 - 17
comment: issue No.305, weekly magazine
magLoud1992USA.jpg (9135 Byte) magazine: Loud
date of release: June 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 12 + poster
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 3 - 11 - 17
comment: Vol.6, Issue 9, includes a small A3 Creatures live-poster, local magazine from Phoenix, AZ
magSoundAttitude1992-06USA.jpg (7777 Byte) magazine: Sound Attitude
date of release: June 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 7 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 14
comment: Vol.2, No.6, local free New York newspaper style magazine
magNightHowl1992-06-03USA.jpg (7169 Byte) magazine: Night Howl
date of release: June 3, 1992
size: approx. A4 folds out to A3
includes pages with Kiss: 2 big A3 pages (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 11 - 17
comment: Issue No.26, free weekly local New York newspaper style magazine

magMetalMorphosis1992-07USA.jpg (7871 Byte) magazine: Metal Morphosis
date of release: July 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 5
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 3 - 11 - 17
comment: July/August 1992
magGuitarSchool1992-07USA.jpg (10301 Byte) magazine: Guitar School
date of release: July 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 30
original cover price: $ 3,50
value: $ 3 - 11 - 17
comment: Vol.4, No.4
magLiveWire1992-07USA.jpg (10179 Byte) magazine: Live Wire
date of release: July 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 7
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 3 - 11 - 17
comment: Vol.2, No.7
magMusic1992USA.jpg (7825 Byte) magazine: Music
date of release: 1992
size: small size (13,5 x 21 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W + green)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 13 - 20
comment: for Columbia Record & Tape Club Members
magTheIslandar1992-07-28USA.jpg (8804 Byte) magazine: The Island-Ear
date of release: July 28, 1992
size: oversized (29 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 11 - 17
comment: Issue 347, free local New York newspaper style magazine
magCircus1992-07-31USA.jpg (9593 Byte) magazine: Circus
date of release: July 31, 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 7
original cover price: $ 3,95
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: #389
magMusiciansExchange1992-08USA.jpg (8233 Byte) magazine: Musicians' Exchange
date of release: August 1992
size: approx. A3
includes pages with Kiss: 2 big A3 pages (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 11 - 17
comment: Vol.XIII, No.3, local New York & New Jersey magazine
magHitParader1992-08USA.jpg (9128 Byte) magazine: Hit Parader
date of release: August 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 6 + small booklet
original cover price: $ 3,50
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: No.335, monthly magazine, includes a small sized 16-page booklet
magCamm1992-08-15USA.jpg (7880 Byte) magazine: Camm
date of release: August 15, 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 5
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: V3 #2, free local Illinois magazine, monthly magazine
magPatrol1995-07USA.jpg (6045 Byte) magazine: The Patrol
date of release: September 1992
size: approx. A4 folds out to A3
includes pages with Kiss: 2 big A3 pages (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.4, Issue 1, free local Cleveland newspaper style magazine

magRockBeat1992-09USA.jpg (9142 Byte) magazine: Rock Beat
date of release: September 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 3 + poster
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.7, No.5, includes a small A3 Kiss '92 poster
magConcertNewsMetal1992-10USA.jpg (9225 Byte) magazine: Concert News Metal
date of release: October 1992
size: oversized (28 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 9 - 14
comment: Vol.3, Issue 9, free local Philadelphia monthly newspaper style magazine
magScreamer1992-10USA.jpg (9265 Byte) magazine: Screamer
date of release: October 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 6
original cover price: $ 3,50
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.5, No.10, monthly magazine
magSoundAttitude1992-10USA.jpg (6708 Byte) magazine: Sound Attitude
date of release: October 1992
size: oversized (29 x 44 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 3 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15+
comment: Vol.2, No.10, free monthly newspaper style magazine distributed in New York
magPowerkick1992-10USA.jpg (8664 Byte) magazine: Powerkick
date of release: October 1992
size: oversized
includes pages with Kiss: 6
original cover price: free
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.2, No.4, available free in US & Canadian Drum Shops & Music Stores, 25.000 copies printed
magFloridaXposure1992-10USA.jpg (8187 Byte) magazine: Florida Xposure
date of release: October 1992
size: oversized (29 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 3 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.2, No.2, free newspaper style magazine distributed in Central and Northeast Florida
magFaces1992-10USA.jpg (9667 Byte) magazine: Faces
date of release: October 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 5
original cover price: $ 3,50
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.12, No.12, published 6 times a year
magRip1992-10USA.jpg (10255 Byte) magazine: Rip
date of release: October 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 4
original cover price: $ 3,50
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.6, No.11, monthly magazine
magHijinx1992-11USA.jpg (7799 Byte) magazine: Hijinx
date of release: November 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 3 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.4, Issue 43, local free Indiana magazine
magPollstar1992-11-16USA.jpg (9023 Byte) magazine: Pollstar
date of release: November 16, 1992
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: ca. $ 6,-
value: $ 8 - 15 - 25
comment: rare expensive weekly industry magazine only available by subscription

magScene1992-11-25USA.jpg (7873 Byte) magazine: Scene
date of release: November 25, 1992
size: approx. A4 folds out to A3
includes pages with Kiss: 1 big A3 page (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 3 - 10 - 15
comment: free weekly Northeastern Ohio newspaper style magazine, Vol.23, No.48, over 200.000 readers weekly

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