MAGAZINES WITH Logored-yellow1-5cmhoch.jpg (11722 Byte) ON THE COVER


FlaggeUSA.gif (900 Byte) USA


magSoundChoice261-1996USA2.jpg (7592 Byte) magazine: Sound Choice
date of release: 1996
size: unknown
includes pages with Kiss: unknown
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 10 - 16
comment: #261, probaly a free promotional thin magazine, sorry no better picture available
magSpike1996USA.jpg (7193 Byte) magazine: Spike
date of release: 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: no full pages
original cover price: free
value: $ 3 - 14 - 18+
comment: Vol.1, Issue 3, includes half a page review of Kiss Unplugged, thin local free bi-monthly magazine from Dalls, TX
magMusic1996USA.jpg (7192 Byte) magazine: Music
date of release: 1996
size: small size (13,5 x 21 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 13 - 20
comment: for Columbia Record & Tape Club Members, selection of the month: MTV Unplugged
magGuitar1996-04USA.jpg (9975 Byte) magazine: Guitar
date of release: April 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 28
original cover price: $ 4,50
value: $ 3 - 9 - 16
comment: published monthly
magMetalEdge1996-04USA.jpg (10602 Byte) magazine: Metal Edge
date of release: April 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 3
original cover price: $ 3,95
value: $ 3 - 9 - 16
comment: Vol.40, No.11, 10th Anniversary Issue, published monthly
magRag1996-04USA.jpg (7379 Byte) magazine: Rag Magazine
date of release: April 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 5 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 11 - 19+
comment: Vol.3, No.10, free local Illinois newspaper style magazine
magBassFrontiers1996USA.jpg (9407 Byte) magazine: Bass Frontiers
date of release: ca. April 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 4
original cover price: $ 4,-
value: $ 3 - 9 - 16
comment: Vol.3, No.3, published bi-monthly
magRockpile1996-05USA.jpg (8745 Byte) magazine: Rockpile
date of release: May 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: no full pages
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 9 - 16
comment: Vol.2, No.5, published monthly, local free Pennsylvania/New Jersey magazine
magNightMoves1996-06USA.jpg (8845 Byte) magazine: Night Moves
date of release: June 1996
size: oversized
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 14 - 19+
comment: Vol.I, Issue V, local newspaper style magazine, distributed in California, Sacramento, Las Vegas and Nevada
magBassPlayer1996-07USA.jpg (9546 Byte) magazine: Bass Player
date of release: July 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 13
original cover price: $ 4,50
value: $ 4 - 9 - 16
comment: Vol.7, No.7, published monthly

magSubculture1996-07USA.jpg (8456 Byte) magazine: Subculture
date of release: July 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 12 - 19
comment: Vol.4, Issue 9, free local Illinois newspaper style magazine
magHarderBeatNo39-1996-07USA.jpg (10892 Byte) magazine: Harder Beat
date of release: July 1996
size: oversized (29 x 34,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 12 - 19
comment: Vol.3, No.15, Issue 39, free thin monthly local Texas newspaper style magazine, available at over 130 Metroplex locations
magRocknRollReporter1996-07USA.jpg (7379 Byte) magazine: Rock n' Roll Reporter
date of release: July 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 4 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 12 - 19
comment: Vol.4, Issue 48, monthly local Pennsylvania newspaper style magazine
magBeat1996-07USA.jpg (9687 Byte) magazine: Beat
date of release: July 1996
size: oversized (29 x 35,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 14 - 19+
comment: Vol.4, No.38, local Indiana/Illinois monthly newspaper style magazine
magJam1996-06USA.jpg (6886 Byte) magazine: Jam
date of release: July 1996
size: approx. A4 (17 x 27,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.XVII, Issue 202, free local newspaper style magazine from Texas
magLoud1996-07USA.jpg (8726 Byte) magazine: Loud
date of release: July 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 5
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 2 - 12 - 19
comment: July/August 1996, Issue no.12
magYeahYeahYeah1996-07USA.jpg (10333 Byte) magazine: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
date of release: July 1996
size: oversized
includes pages with Kiss: 3 (B/W)
original cover price: $ 2,-
value: $ 2 - 12 - 19
comment: published bi-monthly, 15.000 readers, July/August 1996, Number 3
magQuad-CityTimes1996-07-13USA.jpg (12965 Byte) magazine: Quad-City Times
date of release: July 13, 1996
size: oversized (24 x 58 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1 (B/W)
original cover price: 50¢
value: $ 1 - 12 - 19
comment: local daily newspaper from Illinois
magTheRockIslandArgus1996-07-13USA.jpg (12152 Byte) magazine: The Rock Island Argus
date of release: July 13, 1996
size: oversized (25 x 58 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: only cover-article
original cover price: 50¢
value: $ 1 - 12 - 19
comment: 146th year, No.266, local daily newspaperfrom Illinois
magEastCoastRocker1996-07-17USA.jpg (9630 Byte) magazine: East Coast Rocker
date of release: July 17, 1996
size: oversized (29 x 35,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 10 - 16
comment: Issue No.833, weekly local New Jersey newspaper style magazine

magTimeOutNewYork1996-07-17USA.jpg (7949 Byte) magazine: Time out New York
date of release: July 17, 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 3
original cover price: $ 1,95
value: $ 1 - 9 - 15
comment: Issue 43, $ 2,95 outside NY Metro Area, weekly local New Yorker magazine
magSteppinOut1996-07-17USA.jpg (9581 Byte) magazine: Steppin' out
date of release: July 17, 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 7 (B/W)
original cover price: $ 2,-
value: $ 1 - 12 - 19
comment: Vol.4, Issue 9, weekly local New Jersey Entertainment magazine
magScene1996-07-18USA.jpg (8242 Byte) magazine: Scene
date of release: July 18, 1996
size: oversized A4 folds out to A3
includes pages with Kiss: 2 big A3 pages (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 10 - 15
comment: free weekly Northeastern Ohio newspaper style magazine, Vol.27, No.29
magGoldmine1996-07-19USA.jpg (8184 Byte) magazine: Goldmine
date of release: July 19, 1996
size: oversized (28 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 18 (B/W)
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 2 -11- 19
comment: Vol.22, No.15, Issue 417
magTheIslandEar1996-07-22USA.jpg (9528 Byte) magazine: The Island Ear
date of release: July 22, 1996
size: oversized (29 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 12 - 19
comment: Issue 449, bi-weekly local New Yorker newspaper style magazine
magMusician1996-08USA.jpg (9610 Byte) magazine: Musician
date of release: August 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 12
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 2 - 12 - 19
comment: Issue No.213, published monthly
magTheRoad1996-08USA.jpg (7030 Byte) magazine: The Road
date of release: August 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 4 (B/W)
original cover price: $ 1,95
value: $ 2 - 12 - 19
comment: Vol.1, Issue 3
magBanzai1990-06No49USA.jpg (6290 Byte) magazine: Banzai
date of release: August 1996
size: oversized (29 x 43 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 10 - 16
comment: Issue # 89, thin local Florida magazine
magGalleryofSoundGazette1996-08USA.jpg (8374 Byte) magazine: Gallery of Sound
date of release: August 1996
size: oversized (28 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 -11- 19
comment: #45, free monthly oversized newspaperstyle magazine, available at all "Gallery of sound" stores
magHitParader1996-08USA.jpg (10798 Byte) magazine: Hit Parader
date of release: August 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 14 + poster
original cover price: $ 4,50
value: $ 2 - 11 - 16
comment: Vol.50, No.383, published monthly, includes a small A3 poster of Gene '79 with bass

magSpinGene1996-08USA.jpg (10284 Byte) magazine: Spin
date of release: August 1996
size: oversized 825 x 30 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 9
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 3 - 12 - 20
comment: Vol.12, No.5, published monthly, this issue came out with 4 different covers (one for each member)
magSpinPaul1996-08USA.jpg (9673 Byte) magazine: Spin
date of release: August 1996
size: oversized 825 x 30 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 9
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 3 - 12 - 20
comment: Vol.12, No.5, published monthly, this issue came out with 4 different covers (one for each member)
magSpinAce1996-08USA.jpg (10182 Byte) magazine: Spin
date of release: August 1996
size: oversized 825 x 30 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 9
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 3 - 12 - 20
comment: Vol.12, No.5, published monthly, this issue came out with 4 different covers (one for each member)
magSpinPeter1996-08USA.jpg (10565 Byte) magazine: Spin
date of release: August 1996
size: oversized 825 x 30 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 9
original cover price: $ 2,95
value: $ 3 - 12 - 20
comment: Vol.12, No.5, published monthly, this issue came out with 4 different covers (one for each member)
magCMJ1996-08-05No485USA.jpg (9670 Byte) magazine: CMJ
date of release: August 5, 1996
size: oversized
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: ca. $ 6,-
value: $ 5 - 13 - 20+
comment: Vol.47, No.6, Issue 485, weekly New Yorker magazine available by subscription, photo is backwards
magPhoenix1996-08-09USA.jpg (7831 Byte) magazine: Phoenix
date of release: August 9, 1996
size: approx. A3
includes pages with Kiss: 1 big A3 page (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 12 - 19
comment: Vol.IX, No.32, Rhode Island's largest weekly, newspaper style magazine
magEntertainmentWeekly1996-08-16USA.jpg (9388 Byte) magazine: Entertainment weekly
date of release: August 16, 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 8
original cover price: $ 2,50
value: $ 2 - 12 - 16
comment: -
magMusicConnection1996-09-19USA.jpg (9440 Byte) magazine: Music Connection
date of release: August 19, 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 5 (B/W)
original cover price: $ 2,75
value: $ 2 - 12 - 19
comment: Vol.XX, No.17 ($ 3,50 outside California), bi-weekly Californian magazine
magSpirit1996-08-22USA.jpg (8356 Byte) magazine: Spirit
date of release: August 22, 1996
size: oversized (28 x 35,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 10 - 19
comment: Vol.8, No.4, free local newspaper style magazine from Georgia
magBam1996-08-23USA.jpg (11183 Byte) magazine: Bam
date of release: August 23, 1996
size: oversized (25,5 x 30,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 7 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 12 - 19
comment: Vol.22, No.17, #491, local free magazine from California

magRev1996-09USA.jpg (8048 Byte) magazine: Rev
date of release: September 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 16
comment: free monthly newspaper style magazine from Virginia, photo is backwards
magHitParader1996-09USA.jpg (10948 Byte) magazine: Hit Parader
date of release: September 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 3 + poster
original cover price: $ 4,50
value: $ 2 - 11 - 16
comment: Vol.50, No.384, published monthly, includes a small A3 poster of Kiss '76 in London
magTribe1996-09USA.jpg (9699 Byte) magazine: Tribe
date of release: September 1996
size: oversized
includes pages with Kiss: 3
original cover price: $ 2,50
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: No.11, published monthly
magGuitarWorld1996-09USA.jpg (10632 Byte) magazine: Guitar World
date of release: September 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 20 + poster
original cover price: $ 4,50
value: $ 4 - 12 - 19
comment: Vol.16, No.9, includes a small A3 Kiss '76 in front of New York poster
magOrlandoWeekly1996-09-19USA.jpg (9437 Byte) magazine: Orlando weekly
date of release: September 19, 1996
size: oversized (29 x 34 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 11 - 16
comment: free weekly local newspaper style magazine from Orlando
magForbes1996-09-23USA.jpg (9445 Byte) magazine: Forbes
date of release: September 23, 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 5
original cover price: $ 4,-
value: $ 4 - 11 - 16
comment: business magazine, paid circulation over 765.000
magBreak1996-09-25USA.jpg (10243 Byte) magazine: Break
date of release: September 25, 1996
size: oversized (30 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 3 - 14 - 20
comment: free weekly local North Carolina newspaper style magazine, photo is backwards
magFlashMagazine1996-09-26USA.jpg (10162 Byte) magazine: Flash Magazine
date of release: September 26, 1996
size: oversized (28 x 34,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 3
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 11 - 16
comment: Vol.XI, No.19, published bi-weekly, newspaper style magazine from Virginia
magLiveWire1996-10USA.jpg (9842 Byte) magazine: Live Wire
date of release: October 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 13 + 2 posters
original cover price: $ 4,95
value: $ 4 - 12 - 20
comment: Vol.6, No.11, Oct./Nov. 1996, published bi-monthly, comes sealed in plastic bag with a big double sided A1 Kiss poster
magMusicMonitor1996-10USA.jpg (6397 Byte) magazine: Music Monitor
date of release: October 1996
size: approx. A4 folds out to A3
includes pages with Kiss: 1 big A3 page
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 11 - 16+
comment: Issue No.88, free at The Record Exchange (that is 11 music stores in Virginia and North Carolina) and other locations, monthly newspaper style magazine

magDiscovery1996USA.jpg (12495 Byte) magazine: Discovery
date of release: 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 1
original cover price: -
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: record club "magazine", actually more a booklet of 4 pages
magPhantomSoundVisionIssue3Vol11-Fall1996USA.jpg (7632 Byte) magazine: Phantom Sound Vision CD catalog
date of release: Fall 1996
size: unknown
includes pages with Kiss: unknown
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 12 - 19+
comment: Vol.11, Issue #3
magAbbeyRoadDistributors1996USA.jpg (11055 Byte) magazine: Abbey Road Distributors
date of release: Fall/Winter 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: none
original cover price: unknown
value: $ 5 - 20 - 30+
comment: very thick 500-page catalog
magLightingDimensions1996-10USA.jpg (6340 Byte) magazine: Lighting Dimensions
date of release: October 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 9
original cover price: $ 4,-
value: $ 4 - 15 - 20+
comment: Vol.XX, No.8, the magazine for the lighting professional, comes with a (non-Kiss) wrap-around cover
magHitParader1996-10USA.jpg (11462 Byte) magazine: Hit Parader
date of release: October 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 13 + poster
original cover price: $ 4,50
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.50, No.385, published monthly, includes a small A3 Kiss live '79 poster and a Gene Simmons hologram on the cover
magMetalEdge1996-10USA.jpg (10264 Byte) magazine: Metal Edge
date of release:
October 1996
approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss:
5 + poster
original cover price:
$ 3,95
$ 2 - 10 - 15
Vol.41, No.5, published monthly, includes a small A3 Kiss poster from the Intrepid press-conference
magVulcano1996-10USA.jpg (5963 Byte) magazine: Vulcano
date of release:
October 1996
includes pages with Kiss:
original cover price:
$ 2 - 10 - 15
local mag from Oregon
magBestBets1996-10-11USA.jpg (8766 Byte) magazine: Best Bets
date of release: October 11, 1996
size: unknown
includes pages with Kiss: unknown
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 12 - 19+
comment: free local magazine from Evansville, IN
magSlamm1996-10-16USA.jpg (9631 Byte) magazine: Slamm
date of release: October 16, 1996
size: oversized (26,5 x 33 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 3 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 13 - 19+
comment: Vol.3, No.16, published bi-weekly, photo is backwards, local magazine from San Diego
magAlibi1996-10-30USA.jpg (8822 Byte) magazine: Weekly Alibi
date of release: October 30, 1996
size: oversized (29 x 36 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 3 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 14 - 19+
comment: Vol.5, No.43, weekly newspaper style magazine from Albuquerque, New Mexico

magHitParader1996-11USA.jpg (9787 Byte) magazine: Hit Parader
date of release: November 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 6 + poster
original cover price: $ 3,99
value: $ 2 - 9 - 13
comment: Vol.50, No.386, published monthly, includes a small A3 poster of Paul & Ace live '96
magRichmondMusicJournal1996-11USA.jpg (7677 Byte) magazine: Richmond Music Journal
date of release: November 1996
size: oversized (29 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 11 - 16
comment: Vol.4, No.1, Issue 37, newspaper style magazine from Richmond, Virginia
magTheCollectorsAdvantage1996WinterUSA.jpg (8845 Byte) magazine: The Collectors' Advantage
date of release: Winter 1996
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 4
original cover price: $ 3,95
value: $ 3 - 12 - 20
comment: Vol.XXX
magHartfordAdvocate1996-12-19USA.jpg (9423 Byte) magazine: Hartford Advocate
date of release: December 19, 1996
size: unknown
includes pages with Kiss: unknown
original cover price: unknown
value: $ 2 - 12 - 19+
comment: local weekly magazine from Hartford, CT

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