MAGAZINES WITH Logored-yellow1-5cmhoch.jpg (11722 Byte) ON THE COVER


FlaggeUSA.gif (900 Byte) USA


magIncite2000-02USA.jpg (9983 Byte) magazine: Incite
date of release: February 2000
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 12
original cover price: $ 2,99
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: monthly computer magazine
magTheEdgeMagazine2000-03USA.jpg (7828 Byte) magazine: The Edge Magazine
date of release: March 2000
size: oversized (29 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 3
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: free local newspaper style magazine from Texas
magInfinityPress2000-03USA.jpg (9472 Byte) magazine: Infinity Press
date of release: March 2000
size: oversized (29 X 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 3 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 8 - 13
comment: Vol.5, No.3
magWhatsUp2000-03-07USA.jpg (7808 Byte) magazine: What's up
date of release: March 7, 2000
size: oversized (29 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.1, No.23, weekly local newspaper style magazine from El Paso, TX
magSlamm2000-03-15USA.jpg (8561 Byte) magazine: Slamm
date of release: March 15, 2000
size: oversized (26,5 x 32,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Issue 129, free bi-weekly local newspaper style magazine from San Diego, CA
magEnterActiveWeekly2000-03-22USA.jpg (8071 Byte) magazine: Enter Active weekly
date of release: March 22, 2000
size: oversized (29 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 8 - 13
comment: Vol.3, #23, free local weekly newspaper style magazine available in Hickory, NC
magNews4U2000-04USA.jpg (10570 Byte) magazine: News 4U
date of release: April 2000
size: oversized (26,5 x 33 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 16
comment: Vol.10, Issue 4c, Louisville Edition, published monthly in Louisville, KY
magMemphisFlyer2000-04-20USA.jpg (9218 Byte) magazine: The Memphis Flyer
date of release: April 20, 2000
size: oversized (29 x 34,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 4 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 18
comment: Issue No. 583, weekly local newspaper style magazine from Memphis, TN
magRockstar2000-05USA.jpg (7843 Byte) magazine: (rockstar.)
date of release: May 2000
size: oversized (25 x 28,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 8 - 15
comment: Vol.1, No.11, free local magazine from Buffalo, NY
magRealDetroit1999-08-12USA.jpg (8428 Byte) magazine: Real Detroit
date of release: May 4, 2000
size: oversized (29 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1 (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 8 - 15
comment: Vol.2, Issue 12, free local weekly newspaper style magazine from Detroit

magRag2000-06USA.jpg (7246 Byte) magazine: Rag
date of release: June 2000
size: A4
includes pages with Kiss: 5
original cover price: free
value: $ 3 - 8 - 10
comment: local mag from South Florida
magGoldmine518-200-06-02USA.jpg (8261 Byte) magazine: Goldmine
date of release: June 2, 2000
size: oversized (28 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 15 (B/W)
original cover price: $ 3,95
value: $ 3 -11- 19
comment: Vol.26, No.11, Issue 518
magTheAquarianWeeklyCover2000-06-21USA.jpg (9306 Byte) magazine: The Aquarian weekly
date of release: June 21, 2000
size: oversized (29 x 36 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1
original cover price: $ 1,50
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.2-39, local weekly New York/New Jersey newspaper style magazine, photo is backwards
magMaxMagazine2000-06-29USA.jpg (8029 Byte) magazine: Max Magazine
date of release: June 29, 2000
size: oversized (28,5 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.9, No.20, local free weekly newspaper style magazine from Jacksonville, NC
magGig2000-07USA.jpg (9574 Byte) magazine: Gig Magazine
date of release: July 2000
size: approx. A4includes pages with Kiss: 4
original cover price: $ 3,85
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.4, No.7, published monthly
magTheWeekender2000-07-06USA.jpg (8151 Byte) magazine: The Weekender
date of release: July 6, 2000
size: oversized (28 x 34,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.7, Issue 34, free local weekly newspapery style magazine from Pennsylvania
magElectricCity2000-07-6USA.jpg (9965 Byte) magazine: Electric city
date of release: July 6, 2000
size: oversized (28 x 34,5 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.4, No.49, free local weekly newspapery style magazine from Pennsylvania
magTimesLeader2000-07-08USA.jpg (9692 Byte) magazine: Times Leader
date of release: July 8, 2000
size: oversized (58 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: 25¢
value: $ 2 - 12 - 18
comment: local daily newspaper from Wilkes-Barre, PA
magEnterActive2000-07-12USA.jpg (8800 Byte) magazine: Enter Active weekly
date of release: July 12, 2000
size: oversized (29 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 3 + poster (B/W)
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 8 - 13
comment: Vol.3, #39, includes a small A3 live-poster of Gene & Ace, free local weekly newspaper style magazine available in Hickory, NC
magStarTribune2000-07-13USA.jpg (5870 Byte) magazine: Star Tribune
date of release: July 13, 2000
size: oversized (35 x 58 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 1
original cover price: 50¢
value: $ 2 - 15 - 20+
comment: Vol.XIV,No.100, daily newspaper of the Twin Cities (Minneapolis - St. Paul), Concert Special Edition

magTheIslandEar2000-07-24USA.jpg (8708 Byte) magazine: The Island Ear
date of release: July 24, 2000
size: oversized (28 x 35 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2
original cover price: free
value: $ 1 - 12 - 17
comment: Issue 549, bi-weekly local New Yorker newspaper style magazine
magTipoff2000-08USA.jpg (9964 Byte) magazine: Tipoff
date of release: August 2000
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: no full pages
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 8 - 13
comment: published monthly, available free at the River Heritage Region
magMetalEdge2000-08USA.jpg (11109 Byte) magazine: Metal Edge
date of release: August 2000
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 21
original cover price: $ 3,99
value: $ 2 - 10 - 15
comment: Vol.46, No.4
magJerseyStyle2000.09USA.jpg (11536 Byte) magazine: Jersey Style
date of release: September 2000
size: approx. A4
includes pages with Kiss: 5
original cover price: free
value: $ 2 - 8 - 13
comment: Vol.2, No.7, photo is backwards, local free magazine from New Jersey
magSaturdaySouthern2000-09-02USA.jpg (4564 Byte) magazine: Saturday Southern
date of release: September 2, 2000
size: oversized (32 x 58 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: just cover-article
original cover price: 50¢
value: $ 2 - 13 - 19
comment: Vol.108, No.246, newspaper from Southern Illinois
magMaximumRock2000USA.jpg (6801 Byte) magazine:
date of release: Summer 2000
size: oversized (29 x 38 cm)
includes pages with Kiss: 2 (B/W)
original cover price: $ 2,75
value: $ 2 - 8 - 1
comment: Premiere Issue 1, local newspaper style magazine from Las Vegas

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